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Author: Joshua U. AlDabbagh

Why Trusts Are Essential for Estate Planning

Wed Jun 12th, by General |

When it comes to safeguarding your assets and ensuring they are distributed according to your wishes, establishing a trust can be a crucial step in your estate planning. In this article, we will explore what a trust is, the different types available, and the numerous benefits of having one. If […]

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Navigating Personal Injury Claims in Nevada: What You Need to Know

Tue Feb 7th, by General |

If you have been involved in an accident in Nevada that resulted in injury or property damage, you may be entitled to compensation. As a personal injury attorney in Nevada, I understand that the aftermath of an accident can be a confusing and stressful time. In this blog, I will […]

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Ambulance Chasers and Insurance

Tue Sep 6th, by General |

We all know the negative stereotypes of money hungry lawyers. Those damn lawyers follow ambulances to the hospital to sign up injury clients so that they can make money. Here’s the truth: When you are the victim of a car accident, it is a race for your rights. Insurance companies […]

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Staying Out of Trouble Can be Tough

Wed Aug 31st, by General |

Many people do not fully understand the ramifications of accepting a plea bargain. When you enter a plea to a misdemeanor, there is generally a jail sentence that is suspended, or held over your head, while you do some requirements and stay out of trouble. For instance, you could be […]

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